Remedy production

Preparation of liquid LM potency remedies


Potentisation of the base substance

Our liquid Arcana LM (Q) potency (dilutions) remedies are prepared using mother tinctures and triturations derived from animal, plant, mineral or chemical base substances, which we then subject to a process of serial dilution and succussion (shaking). This process involves the use of multiple tincture bottles, i.e. the use of a brand new 10 ml bottle for every successive process of potentisation. The processes of diluting and shaking the base substances are all performed by hand.

Our Arcana LM potency remedies are prepared in line with the methods set out in the relevant valid version of the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB) and European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.). We only use tested and certified base substances for our Arcana LM potency remedies. The designation ‘LM’ for our potencies refers to the Roman numerals L=50 and M=1,000.  Our range includes over 1,300 individual remedies, with potencies ranging from LM 1 to LM 120 in every standard potency, as well as numerous remedies up to LM 500.