Emergency and first-aid kit
Which remedies should you take? This is something we have given a fair bit of thought and led us to select ten remedies we consider essential for a homeopathic first aid and travel kit. These remedies come in a high-quality leather case and are:
Apis mellifica LM VI (6)
Arnica LM VI (6)
Arsenicum album LM VI (6)
Belladonna LM VI (6)
Cantharis LM VI (6)
Nux vomica LM VI (6)
Okoubaka LM VI (6)
Pulsatilla LM VI (6)
Rhus toxicodendron LM VI (6)
Veratrum album LM VI (6)
Some remedies have several names. The arrow shows the name under which the relevant remedy is available from Arcana. The alternative name will be shown in italics.
The mother tinctures are: 1–30, 36, 45, 60, 75, 90, 100, 110, 120.
We stock ALL of our remedies in standard potencies up to a potency of LM 120. We also stock many of our remedies at increments of 10 potencies up to LM 500, i.e. LM 130, 140 etc. The mother tinctures are the potencies that are prescribed the most, which is why we always have them in stock. If you are looking for other potencies – which we refer to as intermediate potencies – we always specially produce them upon request. The extra charge for producing a custom-potency remedy will be shown in our shop or remedy index.
Important information:
Please refer to our remedy index for information on available remedy potencies.
Arcana only produces liquid LM potency homeopathic remedies. Liquid remedies make it much easier to personalise dosages and treatment for optimum results because they are administered in the form of drops.
Arcana’s homeopathic remedies do not come with any outer packaging or a package insert. Our 10 ml bottles are furnished with a wrap-around label with all of the information about the remedy.
The ethanol we use for our remedies is made from potato starch, which does not contain any gluten. Hence our LM potency remedies are gluten free.