LM Potencies

Lytta vesicatoria

Spanische Fliege
Lytta vesicatoria
1–3 working days
10 ml dilution
EUR0.00 Per bottle
Patients can currently only obtain this LM potency directly from theirPharmacy.
Animal of origin
Lytta vesicatoria
Alternate name
Lytta vesicatoria
Meloidae (Ölkäfer)
German name
Spanische Fliege
Warum sind manche Arzneimittel kursiv ausgezeichnet?

Some medicines have multiple names. The arrow points to the name under which the respective medication is listed at Arcana. The alternative designation is indicated by using italic font.

What are base (standard) potencies? What are intermediate potencies?

We refer to the following as base potencies: 1–30, 36, 45, 60, 75, 90, 100, 110, 120.


All of our remedies are available up to LM 120. Additionally, many remedies are available in 10-potency increments up to LM 500, such as LM 130, 140, and so on. Base potencies are those most commonly prescribed and are therefore stocked as standard. All other potencies – which we label as intermediate potencies – can also be produced upon request. The flat fee for such special manufacturing will be displayed in our webshop or remedy catalog.

Important note:

Information regarding up to which potency your remedy is available or can be made upon request can be found in the drug catalog.

Are Arcana remedies available as globules?

No. Arcana exclusively produces liquid LM potencies. The administration as liquid drops allows for optimized and individualized dosing.

Is there a package insert included with the bottle?

Arcana's homeopathic remedies do not have outer packaging or a package insert. Our 10ml bottles are equipped with a wrap-around label. All information for the respective remedy can be found on this label.

Do Arcana medicines contain gluten?

As the ethanol we use is derived from potato starch, which does not contain gluten, our LM potencies are gluten-free.

Einnahme und Dosierung
Intake and dosage
Your therapist will determine the details of your individual treatment and the exact dosage of your LM potencies from Arcana. You will find basic information on the wrap label.Einnahme und Dosierung
Dilutions and alcohol content
Ethanol is an indispensable component of the homeopathic mother tincture. The amount of ethanol contained in LM potencies from Arcana is safe even for small children.Ethanol- und Alkoholgehalt